Cocktail Crawl-Fri.,April 10th,2015@The Burroughs

Cocktail Crawl Social Club hosted it’s Spring Fashion Show event at the ever exclusive The Borroughes Building on Friday April 10, 2015 @7:30 p.m. It was a combination of Mingling and networking at the Cocktail reception with some of Toronto’s urban elite. It was upscale networking professional and fashionista at the legendary Burroughes.
What is Cocktail Crawl Social Club?
The theme of the evening was:
“If you are a Lifestyle Connoisseur, if you’d like to meet great quality people, if you enjoy great food and wine, and… if you can dress… join us!”
Cocktail Crawl Social Club meet once a month at the some of the most upscale locations for networking and socializing. For more info of upcoming events :
The group meet through Word-of-mouth and friends introduced their friends who introduced their friends who brought you.
It’s a “Meet and Greet” with other upscale urban professionals from diverse backgrounds at some of the most exclusive lounges. They host monthly networking events throughout the year. The fashion show finally started at 8:30pm Featured designers were Christopher Paunil, Narces, and Asikere Afana. We were able to be right front and centered for the show and after the show the generous organizers prepared Sponsored Swag Bag Gifts and they were given to all the guest who attended the event.